
Save this script as cr_bucket_dedicated_code.sql.

-- This approach implements the required "open-closed" interval -- bucket semantics directly. See the test -- -- where scaled_val > lb and scaled_val <= ub -- -- at the end. -- -- You might consider this to be the better approach, even though -- it means saying "No thank you" to the free gift of the built-in -- "width_bucket()" which -- acutally implements the wrong semantics -- for the present use case. Fixing it up with a trick might feel to be -- too offensive. -- -- This implementation of "bucket()" also passes the rigorous -- acceptance test. create or replace function bucket( val in double precision, lower_bound in double precision default 0, upper_bound in double precision default 1, no_of_values in int default 10) returns int language plpgsql as $body$ begin assert (val between lower_bound and upper_bound), 'bucket():'|| ' val '||val|| ' must be between lower_bound '||lower_bound|| ' and upper_bound '||upper_bound; declare one constant double precision := 1; n constant double precision := no_of_values; scaled_val constant double precision := (val - lower_bound)/(upper_bound - lower_bound); begin return ( with series as ( select generate_series::int as s from generate_series(1::int, no_of_values)) , buckets as ( select s as bucket, -- (val = 0) is defined to be in (bucket = 1) case s when 1 then -one else ((s::double precision) - one)/n end as lb, (s::double precision)/n as ub from series) select bucket from buckets where scaled_val > lb and scaled_val <= ub ); end; end; $body$;