System catalog tables and views

Tables and views that show information about the database

System catalogs, also known as system tables or system views, play a crucial role in the internal organization and management of the database and serve as the backbone of YugabyteDB's architecture. YugabyteDB builds upon the system catalog of PostgreSQL. These catalogs form a centralized repository that stores metadata about the database itself, such as tables, indexes, columns, constraints, functions, users, privileges, extensions, query statistics, and more. All the system catalog tables and views are organized under the pg_catalog schema.

To list the tables in the system catalog, you can execute the following command:

SELECT tablename FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE schemaname='pg_catalog';

To list all the views in the system catalog, you can execute the following command:

SELECT viewname FROM pg_catalog.pg_views WHERE schemaname='pg_catalog';

To get the details of the names and type information of columns in a table, you can run the following command:

\d+ <table-name>

Information schema

In most cases, developers and applications interact with information_schema for querying database metadata in a portable manner, while pg_catalog is primarily used for advanced PostgreSQL administration and troubleshooting tasks.

information_schema provides a standardized, SQL-compliant view of database metadata that is portable across different database systems and is defined in the SQL standard, while pg_catalog offers detailed, PostgreSQL-specific system catalogs for internal database operations and management.

Let's look at some of the important information that can be fetched using the system catalog tables and views, followed by a summary of other members.


The schema details of the various database objects are stored in multiple tables as follows.

  • pg_database : stores the list of all the databases in the system
  • pg_namespace : stores metadata about schemas, including schema names, owner information, and associated privileges.
  • pg_class : stores metadata about all relations (tables, views, indexes, sequences, and other relation types) in the database.
  • pg_attribute : stores information about the columns (attributes) of all relations (tables, views, indexes, and so on) in the database.
  • pg_index : stores detailed metadata about indexes, including details such as the indexed columns, index types, and index properties like uniqueness and inclusion of nullable values.
  • pg_constraint : stores information about constraints on tables. These can include unique constraints, check constraints, primary key constraints, and foreign key constraints.

This information is typically fetched using convenient views, such as the following:

  • pg_views : provides details on views and their definitions.
  • pg_tables : provides details on tables, their ownership, and basic properties (for example, if the table has any indexes).
  • information_schema.tables : provides table information as per SQL standard.
  • information_schema.columns : provides column information as per SQL standard.
  • information_schema.views : provides view information as per SQL standard.


The pg_settings view provides a centralized location for retrieving information about current configuration settings, including database-related parameters and their respective values. It is essentially an alternative interface to the SHOW and SET commands. These parameters can be changed at server start, reload, session, or transaction level. pg_settings allows administrators and developers to inspect runtime settings, such as memory allocation, logging options, connection limits, and performance-related parameters.

The pg_settings view isn't based on underlying tables. Instead, it retrieves information from a combination of sources including the server configuration file, command-line arguments, environment variables, and internal data structures.

Session activity

The pg_stat_activity view shows detailed information about active sessions, including process IDs, application names, client addresses, and the SQL statements being executed. This is used to monitor database performance, identify long-running or blocked queries, and diagnose concurrency issues.

The pg_stat_activity view is not based on any specific tables. Instead, it provides real-time information about the current activity of each session based on internal data structures. This includes information such as the user, current query, state of the query (active, idle, and more), and other session-level information.

To learn more about how the pg_stat_activity can be used to monitor live queries, see View live queries.

Table activity

The pg_stat_all_tables and pg_stat_user_tables views provide insights into various table-level metrics, including the number of rows inserted, updated, deleted, and accessed via sequential or index scans. It enables administrators to assess table-level activity, identify high-traffic tables, and optimize database performance based on usage patterns.


The pg_locks view provides detailed information about current locks held by active transactions, including lock types (for example, shared, exclusive), lock modes, and the associated database objects being locked. This view can be used to monitor lock escalation, detect long-running transactions holding locks, and optimize transactions to minimize lock contention and improve database concurrency.

The pg_locks view doesn't have a documented view definition that you can directly inspect in the database. This is because the view definition relies on internal data structures used by the lock manager, and these structures aren't intended for direct user access.

pg_locks view can be joined to pg_stat_activity view on the pid column to get more information on the session holding or awaiting each lock. To learn more about how pg_locks can be used to get insights on transaction locks, see Lock insights.

Stored procedures

The pg_proc catalog stores metadata about database procedures, including their names, argument types, return types, source code, and associated permissions. It enables developers and administrators to inspect function definitions, review function dependencies, and monitor usage statistics to optimize query performance and database operations.

  • pg_stat_user_functions : provides statistics on execution details on stored procedures (for example, number of calls, execution time spent).
  • information_schema.routines view provides great detail about stored procedures from multiple tables.

Query performance

The pg_stat_statements view provides detailed statistical insights into SQL query performance by tracking query execution statistics over time. It records metrics such as query execution counts, total runtime, average runtime, and resource consumption (for example, CPU time, I/O) for individual SQL statements. Using pg_stat_statements, you can prioritize optimization efforts based on query frequency and resource consumption, improving overall database efficiency and response times.

By default, only min, max, mean, and stddev of the execution times are associated with a query. This has proved insufficient to debug large volumes of queries. To get a better insight, YugabyteDB introduces an additional column, yb_latency_histogram, that stores a list of latency ranges and the number of query executions in that range.

To understand how to improve query performance using these stats, see Query tuning.

Data statistics

The statistics about the table data are stored in the pg_statistic table. For efficiency, this data is not updated on the fly so it may not be up to date. This data can be updated by running the ANALYZE command. This table stores column-level information about the number of distinct values, most common values, their frequencies, and so on. This data is very useful for query tuning. The pg_stats view provides user-friendly information by joining other tables with the pg_statistic table.

Users and roles

The pg_authid table stores details of users, roles, groups, and the corresponding privileges, such as whether the user is a superuser, the user can create a database, and so on. The membership of users to groups and roles is stored in the pg_auth_members table. This information is usually queried using the following views:

  • pg_roles: stores metadata about database roles, including role names, privileges, membership, and login capabilities.
  • pg_user: Information specific to database users, including user name, password, and privileges.

Other tables

Name Purpose
pg_aggregate Stores information about aggregate functions, including their names, owner, and associated transition functions used to compute the aggregates.
pg_am Defines available access methods, such as lsm, hash, ybgin, and more, providing crucial details like their names and supported functions.
pg_amop Associates access methods with their supported operators, detailing the operator families and the strategy numbers.
pg_amproc Associates access methods with their supported procedures, detailing the operator families and the procedures used for various operations within the access method.
pg_attrdef Stores default values for columns, containing information about which column has a default, and the actual default expressions.
pg_authid Stores information about database roles, including role names, passwords, and privileges.
pg_auth_members Records the membership of roles, specifying which roles are members of other roles along with the associated administrative options.
pg_cast Lists available casting rules, specifying which data types can be cast to which other data types and the functions used for casting.
pg_collation Records collations available for sorting and comparing string values, specifying names, encodings, and source providers.
pg_conversion Stores information on encoding conversions, detailing names, source and destination encodings, and functions used for the conversion.
pg_db_role_setting Saves customized settings per database and per role, specifying which settings are applied when a certain role connects to a specific database.
pg_default_acl Defines default access privileges for new objects created by users, specifying the type of object and the default privileges granted.
pg_depend Tracks dependencies between database objects to ensure integrity, such as which objects rely on others for their definition or operation.
pg_description Stores descriptions for database objects, allowing for documentation of tables, columns, and other objects.
pg_enum Manages enumerations, recording labels for enum types and their associated internal values.
pg_event_trigger Keeps track of event triggers, detailing the events that invoke them and the functions they call.
pg_extension Manages extensions, storing data about installed extensions, their versions, and the custom objects they introduce.
pg_foreign_data_wrapper Lists foreign-data wrappers, detailing the handlers and validation functions used for foreign data access.
pg_foreign_server Documents foreign servers, providing connection options and the foreign-data wrapper used.
pg_foreign_table Catalogs foreign tables, displaying their server associations and column definitions.
pg_inherits Records inheritance relationships between tables, indicating which tables inherit from which parents.
pg_init_privs Captures initial privileges for objects when they are created, used for reporting and restoring original privileges.
pg_language Lists available programming languages for stored procedures, detailing the associated handlers.
pg_largeobject Manages large objects, storing the actual chunks of large binary data in a piecewise fashion.
pg_largeobject_metadata Stores metadata about large objects, including ownership and authorization information.
pg_opclass Defines operator classes for access methods, specifying how data types can be used with particular access methods.
pg_operator Defines available operators in the database, specifying their behavior with operands and result types.
pg_opfamily Organizes operator classes into families for compatibility in access methods
pg_partitioned_table Catalogs partitioning information for partitioned tables, including partitioning strategies.
pg_policy Enforces row-level security by defining policies on tables for which rows are visible or modifiable per role.
pg_publication Manages publication sets for logical replication, specifying which tables are included.
pg_publication_rel Maps publications to specific tables in the database, assisting replication setup.
pg_range Defines range types, mapping subtypes and their collation properties.
pg_replication_origin Tracks replication origins, aiding in monitoring and managing data replication across systems.
pg_rewrite Manages rewrite rules for tables, detailing which rules rewrite queries and the resulting actions.
pg_seclabel Applies security labels to database objects, connecting them with security policies for fine-grained access control.
pg_sequence Describes sequences, recording properties like increment and initial values.
pg_shdepend Tracks shared dependency relationships across databases to maintain global database integrity.
pg_shdescription Provides descriptions for shared objects, enhancing cross-database object documentation.
pg_shseclabel Associates security labels with shared database objects, furthering security implementations across databases.
pg_statistic Collects statistics on database table contents, aiding query optimization with data distributions and other metrics.
pg_statistic_ext Organizes extended statistics about table columns for more sophisticated query optimization.
pg_statistic_ext_data Stores actual data related to extended statistics, providing a base for advanced statistical calculations.
pg_subscription Manages subscription information for logical replication, including subscription connections and replication sets.
pg_tablespace Lists tablespaces, specifying storage locations for database objects to aid in physical storage organization.
pg_transform Manages transforms for user-defined types, detailing type conversions to and from external formats.
pg_trigger Records triggers on tables, specifying the trigger behavior and associated function execution.
pg_ts_config Documents text search configurations, laying out how text is processed and searched.
pg_ts_config_map Maps tokens to dictionaries within text search configurations, directing text processing.
pg_ts_dict Catalogs dictionaries used in text searches, detailing the options and templates used for text analysis.
pg_ts_parser Describes parsers for text search, specifying tokenization and normalization methods.
pg_ts_template Outlines templates for creating text search dictionaries, providing a framework for text analysis customization.
pg_type Records data types defined in the database, detailing properties like internal format and size.
pg_user_mapping Manages mappings between local and foreign users, facilitating user authentication and authorization for accesses to foreign servers.

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